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KMID : 0359019860060010031
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1986 Volume.6 No. 1 p.31 ~ p.34
A Case of Tuberculosis of the Duodenum
¹Ú»óȨ/Park SH
¹é½ÂÈ£/Á¶¼º¿ø/½ÉÂù¼·/À¯Èñ/Baick SH/Cho SW/Shim CS/Yoo H
Tuberculosis of the duodenum is rare event in patients with pulmonary or intestinal tuberculoais. It is very difficult to diagnose duodenal tuberculosis because of inconaiatent symptoms and nonspecific duodenal lesioa. Although fiberoptic endoscopy has been used, there is the limitation of fiberoptic endoscopy ia diagnosingthis disease and the diagnoais require laparotomy with biopsy. Recently we experienced a case of duodenal tuberculosis with duodenoscopic findings of the submucosal tumor of duaidenum. We report a case with review of literatures.
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